National authorities

Netherlands: Koninklijke Marechaussee

The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee is a police organisation with a military status. It is in many ways a highly visible organisation. A holiday flight abroad, for example, often starts with passport control by the Marechaussee. The first people many travellers see as they arrive in the Netherlands are Marechaussee personnel, at air and seaports, as well as on trains and on the road. Policing the Netherlands Armed Forces is a small part of the daily duties. The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee are also responsible for managing immigration, securing and guarding the National Mint, the Corps Diplomatique, members of the Royal Family and His Majesty King Willem Alexander of the Netherlands. Furthermore, the Royal Marechaussee is part of a rapid response and riot control unit. Other units are involved in drug and firearms enforcement. The passport or travel document centre is well-known all over the world.

Norway: Politi

The Norwegian Police Service has around 13 000 employees and is divided into 27 regional police districts. Collectively, they make up a uniform police force. The force is based on versatile police training that makes the Norwegian police capable of executing all types of police tasks. Trained police officers can perform diversified tasks ranging from investigations to patrolling and public order policing. In addition, the police have specialists and special units in various fields, such as border checks and border surveillance. The Norwegian police should be locally anchored and work in a knowledge-based manner. Local anchoring is about facilitating access of the population to police services.