EU research

First Insight from the Frontex EU Green Deal Research Study


Frontex Research and Innovation is now halfway through the EU Green Deal and the European Border and Coast Guard (EBCG) research study. The first part, which sought to identify the relevant regulatory framework, sustainability principles and successfully implemented practices from the law enforcement community, has been now finalised.

From now on, the outcomes of the study will be regularly shared on the Frontex website in the form of knowledge insights. The first one published below serves as an introduction to the topic of sustainability and will set the context for the next series of insights devoted to more practical and hands-on knowledge.    

The finalisation of the first phase of the project provided also an excellent opportunity to review how the work has unfolded so far. Frontex and its external contractor Deloitte held an online interim progress meeting on 9th September, dedicated to the work achieved during the first three months of the project as well as to planning the next steps ahead. During the second phase of the study the focus will be on providing a practical set of sustainability recommendations to Frontex and the European Border and Cost Guard community.