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63 results for “Triton”

Screening expert


Many people who cross Europe’s external borders irregularly arrive without any identification documents. Others claim false nationality in order to increase their chances of receiving a form of protection in the European Union.Screening experts play a key role in helping national authorities establish the nationality of incoming migrants. This information is used for the identification and registration process that takes place after the screening. Screening experts also identify persons in need ...

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Commissioner Avramopoulos at ED4BG


Dimitris Avramopoulos, the European Union’s Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Commissioner, was the guest of honour at the sixth annual European Day for Border Guards (ED4BG) organised in Warsaw by Frontex on Thursday, 21 May. During his opening speech, Commissioner Avramopoulos praised the work of border guards across Europe along with the role Frontex plays in the management of EU external borders. He congratulated the Agency on its 10th anniversary and spoke about the 30 years of the ...

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FRAN Q2 2016


Files available for download Publications/Risk_Analysis/FRAN_2016_Q2.pdf (4.5 MB) After the FRAN indicators of illegal border-crossing between BCPs, illegal stay and asylum hit record levels in the second half of 2015, the values dropped significantly by the second quarter of 2016. The irregular migration pressure at the EU’s external borders has been continuously easing after October 2015. The total number of illegal border-crossings during the reviewed period amounted to less than half of the ...

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