
Frontex hosts first risk analysis conference


Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, held its first Risk Analysis Conference, "Growing with Partners". Today’s event focused on the best practices and tools in risk analysis, promoting its vital role in collaboration among institutional partners.

The conference attracted around 70 attendees, and an even larger online audience. Participants comprised heads of National Risk Analysis Centres from EU Member States, partner countries, and senior representatives from EU environment and international organisations. The event programme included three panel discussions, with experts from various sectors leading dialogues on a wide variety of risk analysis themes.

The panels delved into specific applications of risk analysis in border and migration management, the use of various tools and methods in the same context, and the concept of person-centred risk analysis. The inaugural keynote speech was delivered by Corinna Ullrich, Head of Unit, Schengen and External Borders, at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs.

This event highlighted Frontex’s role in the risk analysis field beyond the EU environment, raising awareness about its methodology and publications, and reinforcing the agency’s commitment to addressing geopolitics challenges within the field of risk analysis.