
46 people smugglers arrested, millions of cigarattes seized in global operation led by Frontex


More than 30 million of cigarettes seized, 43 fraudulent documents confiscated, 46 people smugglers arrested in a global operation against tobacco, human smuggling.

Frontex coordinated Joint Action Days (JAD) Arktos 5, focusing on tackling tobacco smuggling, migrant smuggling and document fraud in the Baltic Sea Region. This JAD was led by Latvia and co-led by both Estonia and Lithuania. The coordination centre was established in Frontex HQ, with border guards and customs representatives from participating countries as well as Interpol.

Between 9-19 June, eight EU Member States joined their efforts to prevent hundreds of thousands smuggled excise goods. Other organisations, including EUROJUST, EUROPOL, INTERPOL and OLAF, were also involved.

JAD Arktos 5 resulted in the seizure of:

  • More than 30 million of cigarettes
  • More than 480 kilograms of raw tobacco
  • More than 4800 litres of fuel
  • More than 1000 litres of alcohol
  • 43 fraudulent documents
  • 46 people smugglers arrested
  • More than 700 refusals of entry
  • 5 stolen vehicles

Other tobacco related products such as innovative ones, snus and waterpipe tobacco were also seized. Additionally, national authorities seized anabolic products and a few firearms and ammunition, as well as 37 000 euros and 1 400 dollars of undeclared cash.


– Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, Norway, Poland, Slovakia and Sweden –


The European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Criminal Threats (EMPACT) tackles the most important threats posed by organised and serious international crime affecting the EU. EMPACT strengthens intelligence, strategic and operational cooperation between national authorities, EU institutions and bodies, and international partners. EMPACT runs in four-year cycles focusing on common EU crime priorities.

[1] The estimation of the market value is provided by the participating countries considering the specific prices for such types of goods on the local market. The approximate market value is not based on particular market methodology.