
Conclusions of the Management Board on the discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the Agency for the financial year 2019


The Management Board was informed about the state of play of Frontex 2019 discharge.

  • The Management Board invites the Executive Director to ensure that the Agency does its utmost efforts to swiftly implement all the recommendations in the responsibility of the Agency made in the European Parliament’s report postponing the Frontex discharge.

  • The Management Board welcomes and takes note of the progress made by the Agency in addressing the recommendations made and requirements established by the European Parliament’ report postponing the Frontex discharge. The Fundamental Rights Strategy has been adopted in February 2021. In this regard the Management Board appreciates that the Action Plan to the Fundamental Rights Strategy has been discussed thoroughly during the 86th MB meeting and is expected to be adopted at the Extraordinary MB meeting of 6 October 2021. Besides, the Management Board welcomes that the Agency’s Transparency Registry was established in May 2021. Also, the Agency is currently implementing the recommendations of the FRALO Working Group, in accordance with the agreed roadmap.

  • The Management Board will regularly review progress and the European Parliament will be kept informed on the state of implementation of the recommendations.