EU research

Progress of the Green Deal research study


One of the key pillars of the Frontex research study on the Green Deal and the European Border and Coast Guard (EBCG) is to contribute to knowledge sharing in the area of sustainability. The most recent outcomes were presented to Frontex staff and the EBCG community during the webinar “Sustainability in the EBCG” which took place in September 2021. The session was recorded and is available on the Frontex YouTube channel. The outcomes are also summarised in our second knowledge insight about “Case studies and Principles”.

The aim of the third insight -“Green Office”- , as well as the next three insights which will be published in the near future, is to present the practical ways in which the EBCG can contribute to sustainable development. The basic principle is to encourage continuous improvements towards creating a sustainable and eco-friendly workplace. Future-proofing buildings and reforming travel and commuting practices are recognised as having the biggest potential to significantly reduce the daily environmental impact of the administrations of Frontex and national authorities.