EU research

Frontex supports ILEAnet Virtual Workshop


This month Frontex supported ILEAnet workshop on innovative technologies for border management. The main objective of ILEAnet, an EU funded project, is to develop a network that will facilitate a dialogue between the law enforcement practitioners and the research and innovation communities. The virtual event, which took place between 3 and 5 November, was focused on migrants’ registration, pre-frontier area monitoring, and the use of national and EU information systems for border management purposes.

The virtual meeting started with a keynote speech by a representive of the European Commission and was followed by two presentations by Frontex experts. The first presentation delivered a migratory outlook for the European Union, while the second explained Frontex’s role in EU research with an emphasis on key responsibilities and priorities for the European Border and Coast Guard community.

The workshop continued with presentations by representatives of several projects, predominantly funded under Horizon 2020, who presented the results of their research. SCAAN (which emerged from lessons, best practices and partnerships from the FP7-funded project ATHENA) showcased a digital platform and a mobile application that delivers timely and effective communication and assistance to staff working in the field. FastPass presented a harmonized modular approach for Automated Border Control (ABC) gates. The first day of the workshop ended with Andrupos presenting an automated document examination system capable of authenticating printing techniques as well as printer and paper sources.

On day two, Alladin presented a project aimed at the creation of a counter-UAV system. It was followed by AW-Drones presenting a project aimed at harmonization of drone standards to enable safe and reliable operations in the EU, and EWISA describing how to increase operational situational awareness.

The final day saw representatives from the ROBORDER project illustrating an autonomous border surveillance system with unmanned vehicles and enhanced detection capabilities for early cross-border crime identification. The Foldout project closed the third day of the workshop by presenting a through-foliage detection system .

Frontex monitors and supports research projects relevant to border security focusing on those funded under Horizon 2020, - the EU programme for research and innovation. These initiatives address a wide spectrum of technological solutions critical for the European Border and Coast Guard community

You will find more information about ILEAnet and other Horizon 2020 projects here