EU research

Compass 2020 Border Security Innovation Project, November Workshop


Last week, COMPASS2020 – a Border Security innovation project funded by the EU - held a two-day online workshop to present the process used by the project in defining its Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

KPIs are a useful way to align the expectations of the involved parties, especially the end user communities that will benefit from the project outcomes. They deliver clear mission-critical information in order to understand where the project is in relation to where it is supposed to be.  

During the workshop, the DG Home representative underlined that the project results should provide:

  • improved end-user capabilities (in terms of cost, availability and reliability of systems/equipment);
  • compatibility and interoperability with the current capabilities/legacy systems and the future ones and
  • possibility for the project’s results to be used in real world applications.

COMPASS2020 aims to demonstrate the combined use and seamless coordination of manned and unmanned assets to achieve greater coverage, better quality of information and shorter response times in maritime surveillance operations.

For more information on this and other Horizon Border Security projects visit our Horizon Projects section.