EU research



An advanced surveillance platform to improve the EURopean Multi Authority BordeR Security efficiency and cooperation

GRANT NUMBER: 101073985

DURATION: 1 October 2022 – 30 September 2025


FOCUS AREA: border surveillance, sensing capabilities

EURMARS’s vision is to expand the common risk assessment practices currently deployed by authorities to enable the development, deployment and evaluation of a secure multitasking surveillance platform.

As part of the EURMARS framework, the various systems for maritime surveillance will be integrated, to allow for the collaborative operation and the provision of the sensing results to related authorities.

The open architecture will exploit the latest AI, risk assessment and visualization innovations, and undergo extensive technical and user acceptance tests and ethical and legal impact assessments.

Foreseeable Outcomes:

  • improved sensing capabilities for a wide range of security risks and threats in wider border areas, by clustering high altitude platforms technology, satellite imagery, UxVs and ground-based sensors into a novel joint surveillance capability.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101073911