
Invitation for industry - Dialogue on Technology Foresight for Border Security


With the adoption of Regulation (EU) 2016/1624 establishing the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, Frontex was entrusted with increased responsibilities, including those related to research and innovation. Frontex was tasked to monitor and contribute to research and innovation activities relevant for European integrated border management, including the use of advanced surveillance technology. It also assists the Member States and the Commission in identifying key research themes.

The Technology Foresight is one of the tools used by the Agency to regularly assess the future of technology and science. The overarching goal is the identification of technologies that may, in a medium or long-term perspective, impact the EU borders and the Border and Coast Guard community the most. It is aimed at the idea of capacity building, not simply forecasting.

In this spirit, Frontex is organizing a dialogue session with industry representatives who will present foresight methodologies/procedures they have developed and/or follow. In addition, invited industry representatives are expected to also briefly present areas of research or future technological concepts that have been identified through technology foresight as potentially having a significant impact on border security in the medium to long-term (5 – 20 years). It is important to note that only technological solutions at TRL 4 (technology validated in a lab environment) or below shall be presented or discussed during this future-oriented event because they are within the scope of our technology foresight.

This dialogue session will be an important step towards setting up a technology foresight component in support of the European Border and Coast Guard community.

Accordingly, the Frontex Research and Innovation Unit is inviting industry to send their applications for this specific event to by 07 April 2019.

In your application, please include a short description of:

  • the experience of your company in Technology Foresight;
  • existing products/services (reports, studies, technical solutions, etc.) your company has already delivered based on Technology Foresight;
  • background/experience of the experts who would participate in this dialogue session.

We kindly ask you to express your interest as soon as possible so we can expedite the assessment of the received applications. The closing date (and time) for delivering the interest to participate is 7 April 2019 at 18:00, Warsaw local time. The received applications will be evaluated based on their relevance to the theme of this dialogue session. Depending on the outcome of the evaluation of the submitted applications, which will be announced by 14 April 2019, and the interest of potential contributors, the event is envisaged to take place on 16 May 2019, in Warsaw, Poland (Frontex HQ). During the event, the selected entities will be allocated 30 minutes for their presentations. Based on the outcome of this first dialogue meeting we foresee the possibility of hosting a second Industry dialogue on Technology Foresight, depending on the level of interest from both the EBCG community and Industry.