
Frontex announces competition for industry to develop technology allowing for detection of small aircraft used for cross-border crime


Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, will hold a competition in an operational scenario for technical solutions to detect low-flying objects crossing the border.


The use of such low flying objects to smuggle goods into the EU is an emerging problem at the EU external land borders. Border guards need to be able to detect low-flying objects crossing the border and intercept them or track them down to their landing location inside the EU territory.

Competition format

Three companies will be selected and invited to deploy and operate their technical solutions in a real life scenario. During the test, which will take place at an EU external border, low flying objects will be used by Frontex to evaluate the performance of the proposed technical solutions.

A panel composed of Frontex and national officials will assess the performance of the proposed technologies. The final scoring will also take into account the solution’s cost efficiency and its foot print size and complexity. The winner will receive a prize of EUR 250 000. The prize for the second place is EUR 150 000 and the prize for the third place is EUR 50 000.

Important dates

  • Public restricted procurement: July 2019
  • Selection of participants: November 2019
  • Live trial: April 2020

For inquiries please contact

Frontex Research and Innovation at