Invitation to Industry Invitation to Industry 2020-05-07 Online presentations of shift management applications, 16-19.06.2020 Read more
Invitation to Frontex Industry Days Invitation to Frontex Industry Days 2020-01-15 Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency is organising the next Frontex Industry Days on 17-18 March 2020. We are eager to learn of the latest technological developments, products and services in the field of border control and surveillance. Read more
Outcome of Industry Dialogue - Procurement of handguns, ammunition and holsters for the European Border and Coast Guard standing corps Outcome of Industry Dialogue - Procurement of handguns, ammunition and holsters for the European Border and Coast Guard standing corps 2020-01-07 Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, hosted a two-day Industry Dialogue to gain better knowledge of the handguns and ammunition market. The event is part of the agency’s efforts to equip and train the standing corps that will be established under its recently revised mandate. Read more
Workshop with Industry on Vulnerability Assessment Models Workshop with Industry on Vulnerability Assessment Models 2019-12-05 Vulnerability Assessment contributes to an efficient border control at the EU’s external borders at a high and uniform level. This quality-control mechanism helps identify possible weaknesses, which may subsequently lead to measures being issued, so as to prevent crises at the external borders. Read more
Invitation for Industry Dialogue - Procurement of handguns, ammunition and holsters for the standing corps of the European Border and Coast Guard Invitation for Industry Dialogue - Procurement of handguns, ammunition and holsters for the standing corps of the European Border and Coast Guard 2019-11-20 The recently revised Frontex mandate foresees the establishment of a standing corps that will be at the core of the operational response activities of the Agency. As a matter of priority, Frontex has to ensure that members of the standing corps are properly equipped and trained to be effectively deployed and operate in a unitary manner in the operational areas. Read more
Invitation for Industry & Research Community for the International Conference on Biometrics for Borders Invitation for Industry & Research Community for the International Conference on Biometrics for Borders 2019-06-15 Invitation to industry and research community to showcase innovative technologies during the International Conference on Biometrics for Borders (ICBB) 2019. Read more