
8th ABC Workshop - Invitation


Invitation to technology providers to participate in the 8th Workshop on Automated Border Control (ABC) and Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) demonstration/training in Sofia, Bulgaria on 24-26 April 2013

On 24-25 April 2013 Frontex will hold the 8th ABC Workshop, organised in cooperation with the Bulgarian authorities. The Workshop will look into the latest developments on the ABC systems currently in use, under testing, or planned by Member States and Third Countries. Additionally, the Workshop intends to foster the exchange of Member States’ experiences and lessons learnt through peer discussions on technical/operational challenges and solutions, and on how to better strike a balance between facilitation, security and cost effectiveness in border control. These objectives will be further supported by the discussion on the standardization roadmap for ABC and the future vision of the border checks in the light of the Smart Borders Package introduced by the European Commission on 28 February 2013. The Workshop will be accompanied by a demonstration of the ABC system in use at Sofia airport.

As a side event, on 26 April 2013 Frontex will conduct a CBA demonstration/training. This demonstration/training is intended to present a complete framework comprising the tools and data for the modeling, simulation and cost benefit analysis of ABC systems, and show how they can be applied by individual Member States and other stakeholders for calculating and comparing the benefits and costs of a system.

Frontex therefore invites relevant industry players to attend the ABC Workshop and CBA demonstration/training. Due to limited space, we will accept participants on a strictly first-come, first-served basis, as follows:

- Only participants from system integrators and middleware suppliers of ABC systems will be accepted. Other industry representatives will be refused participation. You are kindly invited to indicate the ABC system(s) in which you act as an integrator or middleware supplier when registering.

- Only one representative per company will be accepted. Attendance is free of charge, but industry representatives will be asked to cover the cost of their own meals and accommodation. 

Should you wish to participate in the ABC Workshop and/or the CBA demonstration/training, please respond to this invitation by Monday, 8 April 2013 by registering at the following link:

If your registration is accepted, your participation will be confirmed within three working days. Again, capacity is limited and your attendance will be determined on a strictly first come, first served basis so in order to avoid disappointment you should express your interest immediately.

Details on the venue as well as other logistical information will be sent only to those whose registrations have been accepted and have been confirmed participation.